Thursday, February 19, 2009


as i was on my way home last night,
one of my men called..
let me give you a bit of background
about him.

his name is yeechye.
and he loves soccer..
he loves playing it himself,
as while as betting!

he's the joker of the platoon,
and his people relations are v v good..
his jokes are those of wit and originality.
but he's quite lazy!

some of you might haf known
the 'education' poetry i used to recite.
its in chinese.
if you want, i can recite it to you if you ask!

he doesn't like to study,
and he's really really laid back.
but one thing i admire of him,
is that he doesn't flirt nor 'play' around..

so he called me ytd,
after 9 months since i ord-ed!
i thought to myself,
"what happened dis time.."

and so i picked up,
and the first thing he said,

des: don't call me sgt la!
yc: sgt desmond, dis wkend got 8-boat attachment. PC ask you to come back and support, we got not enough sgt to oversee the operation.
des: i ord alr leh!

yc: bo bian, i also ord alr! because we too zai alr, they need us to support dis operation.
des: what rubbish! go where..
yc: melbourne.
des: sail to melbourne?! how? and for what?!

yc: they ask us to go there fight the fire.
des: they got firemen what..
yc: like i said, they think we v zai. want us to go..
des: you and your rubbish la. call me for what?

des: btw, what you doing now ar?
yc: orh, sutdying lor.
des: YOU?! studying?! where?
yc: se hui da xue (university of society)

des: got such uni meh? study what?
yc: studying how to suan pple.
des: hahhaa. seriously, what you doing now.
yc: but dis uni got no cert one, once you got cert, means ke-chiang alr.

des: why leh? what you mean?
yc: they only got certificate of death.
des: hahhaha.
yc: so i cannot get cert lor..

though the conversation was going nowhere,
but it was really great joy talking to him.
he seems to haf no worries,
happy go lucky.

kinda looking forward to see them dis fri.
at one of my guy's birthday party!
and so he asked me,
what time am i going and all that la.

the whole conversation
was in hokkien and chinese..
miss those days man,
sniffing 2nd-hand smoke and crappin wif them!

those were the days where i had no worries,
though lots of complaints and whines.
but those days were carefree and fun!
where are those days now?

hmm, i kinda hope that s'pore was a kampong.
where everybody just live to farm and fellowship.
where currency and qualifications weren't needed..
where men meets nature and God.

or maybe because i'm an under-achiever.
hence, i'm feeling the fatigue of striving?
or like what jessie used to say,
that i sometimes set my standards too high..

i don't know actually.
but i don't really haf a choice, do i?
oh well,
the pains of meritocracy! grr.


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