Wednesday, February 18, 2009


God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before Him. When I got my act together, He gave me a fresh start.. God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes.
Psalm 18:20 & 24

how awesome is our God!
how He so faithfully renews His promises to us.
how He reminds us so gently,
that we're constantly on His mind.

ever had a situation,
where you're just simply refreshed
just knowing that you were on
your lover's mind for that moment?

what more when God tells us,
that we're scribed on His palm.
and we're constantly on His mind,
and we're forever loved by Him..

despite the tonnes of disgrace we've caused Him.
despite the uncountable sins we've committed.
in thought, word and deed.
through negligence, weakness or deliberate fault!

He understands how weak we are.
He also understands how hard we're trying sometimes.
though often He reminds us,
that its only by grace that we can live eternally.

bearing in mind that He is a just and consistent God,
He cannot tolerate sins.
but He loved us so much,
that He had to pay the highest price to cleanse us.

i'm truly thankful for the grace heaped on me,
a downright sinner.
how He delights in my heart,
and how i do not bear to leave His presence ever again!

God indeed rewrote the text of my life
when i opened the book of my heart to His eyes.
i stand accountable to God and God alone..
and i boast of Him and Him alone.

Father, thank You for allowing me
to serve You in newness of life.
Lord, i pray against pride and complacency in my heart.
let me see Your face once again, Lord Jesus!


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