Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness.
James 3:18

what's the difference btw peacemakers
and peacekeepers?
other than the english of coz.

personally, i think..
peacemakers take the initiative to make peace,
while peackeepers keep peace,
that have already been made earlier.

if this assumption is correct,
den the Bible is urging us to take the initiative
to MAKE peace!
and not just sit back and KEEP it!

i regret not initiating to apologize or approach,
in the course of this week.
but i chose to leave it lying down and
see come what may.

but i also thank God that because of my fear,
He instilled courage and discernment to the other party.
and i guess we all learn from dis.
although i'm not sure if its out of protocol.

but that wasn't the point,
and it will not be!
because my friend had just planted seeds of peace
and i know my friend will reap a harvest of goodness!

praise God for peace!
let us strive to initiate,
rather than to sit by and wait for things to happen.
or at least take the initiative to smile!

so, if you've anything entangled wif anybody.
and you jolly well know that it is unresolved and hurting..
go and MAKE peace with that person,
not just coz you need to, but you want to!


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