Tuesday, September 23, 2008


therefore, i urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship.
Romans 12:1

in view of God's mercy
when He said that,
basically it just means we've no rights!
we're living because of His mercy for us.

though its hard to swallow,
but i guess, many times we find the Word hard to digest,
simply because we're too proud ourselves.
we OWN our OWN lives.

living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God
there is no longer dead offerings since the Resurrection!
and we're to offer OURSELVES to Him,
as a sacrifice..

think abt it,
when animals were sacrificed,
do they have a choice?
they're basically chosen!

so again, we don't have a choice
but to offer up ourselves as a sacrifice!
a cheerful and willing giver,
is what makes a sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.

this is your spiritual act of worship
again, if you wanna worship God.
give yourself, or rather,
give the BEST of yourself, to Him!

i note that the above illustration of the breakdown
is somewhat hard to accept and carried out!
but this is the challenge.
not to think how you can sacrifice yourself..

but in the very first place,
whether you're willing to surrender yourself to Him,
who FIRST loved you.
that you're given a chance to reciprocate your love.

i concur with Zing in his entry,
on issues and principles of reciprocation.
if you appreciate it,
you WILL reciprocate..

now ask yourself,
are you offering yourselves as living sacrifices,
holy and pleasing to God?
if not..

is it because you don't fully or truly
believe and accept God's love for you?
den why is this so?
maybe you wanna ask yourself that..


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