Wednesday, September 17, 2008


as i was on train to work this morning,
i was reading 'Experiencing God' as usual.
and this particular chapter is so captivating!
i almost didn't wanna get off.


you can't stay where you are
and go with God.
makes sense doesn't it?
a few examples are as follows.

Noah could not continue life as usual
and build an ark at the same time (Gen. 6)!

Moses could not stay in the desert,
herding sheep,
and stand before pharoah
at the same time (Ex. 3)!

David had to leave his sheep
to become king (1 Sam. 16:1-13)!

Peter, Andrew, James & John
had to leave their fishing career
to follow Jesus (MAtt 4:18-22)!

Saul (later Paul) had to change his mindset
and directions in life COMPLETELY,
in order to be used by God to preach the gospel
to the gentiles (Acts 9:1-19)!

aight, you roughly get the drift
of my point here..
we HAVE to make a MAJOR change
if we want God to work through our lives.

dis is the line that is the hardest to swallow.
at least that's what i feel..
'if you want to follow Jesus,
you have no choice of your own'

but think abt it,
isn't it true?
hasn't it alr been so consistent through the Bible?
that we hafta change before letting God work!

what are some areas in my life,
that i can change or even drop?
let me think..
career, prospective education, gf, money.

Lord, it is so hard.
to let go of all these things
in my life.
the things which i'd earned by grace.

Father, grant me understanding this day!
that i may live to serve you,
and not worldly possessions.
grant that i may haf a new life..

Lord Jesus, watch over me.
Holy Spirit, change my perspective.
Everlasting God, forgive me.
i wanna worship You and only You!


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