Friday, May 30, 2008


yes, finally..
my aunt called on thurs and asked,

aunt: ah siang what colour you want? i'm at DFS now.
des (at work): got what colour?
aunt: got light brown, dark brown and black.
des: which colour you think nicer? i thnk dark brown?
aunt: yah lor, black like your papa carry one. brown nice.
des: hahaha. really meh? okay lor, dark brown then.
aunt: okay ar? with the coin or without?
des: with with.
aunt: okay.
des: how much is it?
aunt: very cheap lah.

*toot toot tooooooot*

yah, she hangs up without saying bye.
i think when you reach 40.
you seldom care abt goodbyes,
all you care abt is GOODBUYS!!

so here it is!
my elephant-lookalike BULL!
but its an indian bull (black),
last time it used to be an american bull (silver).

but i've got not complaints!
its really a blessing to have her as my aunt.
how i wish i can have her as my
sister-in-Christ too.

nvm lah!
one fine day, she'll be.
i just love my family too much.

hey! that's a chinese bull!
we'll call it bu luan bu fei.

see the indian bull?
we'll call it 'braunakash'?

ahh, screw off!

can you see the tear?
but it'd served me well.
oh well..



Blogger mayt3ng said...

Poor Wallet
one day you will have the same fate as the one ended up in the dustbin!
maybe 10 years down the road.
pooor thingssss....
i'm too bored of studying ended up commenting on every post you put up.

11:19 AM  

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