Monday, May 26, 2008

blue world.

today don came to lunch wif me at funan!
my first time at some "cheaper" alternative
in town!
and so we see the stupid "tissue paper" culture.

don and i were like,
"wah lau, these pple really ar.."
den i rmb jac's face!
when i said, "wah! u finally bring tissue out!"

and she replied smugly,
of coz!
if not how to chop seat in raffles place!

and so, our dear friend does it too!
but really quite irritating lah,
hafta share table wif others.

and right and right!
wah tsk wah wah tsk!!
as i was queuing up for my chicken rice,
this auntie behind me ar.

wah! she really must..
don't know what to say sia.
she stood so close to me ar,
until i can feel every breath she takes lah!

den i tried to be nice and inch forward,
she came closer again lah!
like, "eh, what's up man!"
the chickens won't fly away lah!

she like damn scared pple cut her queue sia.
den nvm, i ordered when its my turn,
before i could bend down and take tray,
she screamed her order.

wah. really must stop it lah she!
so kan jiong sia!
she must've been out in the working world for damn long.
so well trained in SAVING precious lunch time.

den okay, i got my 2 plates of chicken rice
and was making my way back.
these pple cannot hear wan leh!!
until i hafta shout, "EXCUSE ME".

den they'll move their sorry buns away.
like no ears to hear,
use eyes to see and observe lah!

these execs ar,
really i think some of them rushed out of their office.
they must've left their manners behind.

so much for wearing nice clothes,
and behaving like that.
so much for being business savvy,
and behaving like that.

but nvm.
patience, dessimondie.
luckily my cell prayed for extra portion of patience,
before we ended cell.

aight, don't mind me yah?
just needed to let it out.
quite disgusted by what i've encountered today.
work's been busy, but good..


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