Friday, June 08, 2007

friends that matter.

sarah lim.
u've been a chill pill in my life. whenever i had a bad day, u're there to bitch abt that person in particular all out! u made me feel like "ur friend" when i got misjudged or maligned. u stood up for me, though not physically but verbally. hahaha! and whenever we've got birthday babies coming up, u'll be there without fail. snapping photos and advertising it on ur super popular blog. we've known each other since pri 5, but we've been great friends only since sec 4! hahaha. and i still got ur entry in my autograph book i passed around in pri 6. hahahah! so u better blog abt me tactfully.. u've been the most comical and retarded female friend i haf. so rock on, girl! hahahaa.. [big enough?]

andrew tham.
wah, i know dis fella since PY11 sia. kindergarten in st hildas.. HAHAHAHA!! damn retarded. but only got to know him much much freakin better during 'O's. dis is one helluva guy that really stood by me man. saw my most retarded moments, my most violent moments, my saddest moments. the only shitty thing abt him last time was that his hp is NVR available. only recently he became a policeman, that he became more contactable. he's really a sensitive guy who knows what to say at the right time. i'm talking abt times when we're serious. hhahah! he'll sort out the very complicated situations for me and advise me accordingly. coz sometimes u'll be clouded by ur assumptions and thoughts that u cannot think properly? ah, he's there. hahha! and oh, dis faggot was the one who brought me to church!! hahaha.. [eh, when meet up again sia. busy busy busy everyday also busy.]

joanna lam.
i don't really remember how she come abt in our clique. and yes sarah, i hear u.. [sarah just said, "wah lau, its i and joanna know andrew den andrew intro u to us wan lor. lidat also cannot remember." hahaha!] yep, maybe that's how i knew her. she's been the more sensible sensitive girl in our clique. or rather the 'sarah tamer' hahahha!! although i don't really share wif her much, but my damn bloody best friend andrew tham chong meng would do the job for me. so somehow she'll know abit here and there. and she'll be the christian in the group encouraging anybody who's in trouble or feeling down. wah, u're really faithful in whatever u've been doing man. press on, sister!!

don zhang.
wah, dis is my accountability buddy. who i'm very transparent to and vice versa [i think..] transparent when we need to, like sharing our deepest temptations and how we can encourage each other and pull each other out of tempting situations. apart from that, he's also my support and model to follow when it comes to the technical part of leading a worship thing. he'll be there to guide me and support me along wif zing. we share so many qwerky but fun and memorable moments together man! the foot trail before he got enlisted and all that.. [wah, its past a yr alr man.] without him, i wouldn't haf the courage to stand in front of crowds to lead worship, knowing my shy personality.. hahhaah! bro, we must continue to stand together so that we may support each other in the body of Christ yah? and watch ur other knee. hahaha!

daniel zing.
he just has to be next on the list.. hahhaah! somehow it always happens dis way, be it sms sequence or blogging. hahhaa! dis 'very quiet' guy who looks like wilson became one of my best buds in dis phase of my life. sharing wif me his difficulties and his subtle but retarded jokes. hahah! he's been a support to me but in a different aspect in my life. he'll be there to remind me that we've gone too far if i get too engrossed laughing behind pple's back. hahah! and he's also my support when it comes to music ministry. coming early to sort out things that needs to be done along wif don. and since he stay just opp church, it makes it easier to call him down! hahaha, we hafta continue what we're doing man. and fix our hearts on the prize! hahah.

karen ng.
wah, my first church friend then followed by danielle. hahaha! and also my long term role model in so many areas of my christian walk. karen will be there whenever u haf problems be it in life or in ministry. she'll be there to hear u out and advise u biblically. she's a fantastic listener which encouraged me so many times during my service in music ministry so far. she showed me a fine example of what it means by 'knowing ur sheep well'. she'll go that extra mile to know u better even though we're of different age group and gender! she'd been the pillar in the youth as well as the music ministry. and in my life, she brought me thru a more real and practical christian walk that i'll be embarking well my whole life. she started me off well, and i'm gonna go so much further wif the help of my Father.. sister, press on thru ur difficult part of ur life now and continue to run the race. we'll be here together wif u!

cheryl tan.
dis girl had naturally been a huge part of my life. for obvious reasons, and also spiritually. a lady that inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and just be there for the younger ones. seeing her lead focus cell is just so heartwarming, and esp when the boys reciprocate their love for her. an inspiration indeed. she's the lady that taught me ethics being a bf, better english and how to be more gentleman! hahaa. [eh why? somethings u just gotta LEARN right? not everybody's born wif it man.] she also saw me thru my basic military training which was so crucial for almost every guy aged 19 and above. without her, i wouldn't haf made it thru so easily. she's the girl that i'll always respect for being able to sacrifice herself just to make the weird situations not so weird. that extra effort is indeed commendable. whatever u may feel tired abt now, just remember that u haf the WHOLE body of Christ wif u k, sister! jiayou!!

charmaine lee.
she's quite a different girl from those that i've encountered wif. a girl with such pure heart of gold. she also doesn't like to be bounded or 'guai wan mo jiao'. hahha! dis girl also like cheryl, will be willing to step out of her inner circle of friends and try to make other pple not feel so weird. still remember the first time i fetch them for lunch, the 3 of them and i going to meet don.. and naturally, i was walking ahead of them. she sped up and came to walk beside me. hahaha! at first i not so weird wan, den she walk beside me i more stress. hahaha! but could tell her intentions. was very impressed that first time. after a while, like now. she wouldn't bother alr. hahahah!!! kiddin kidding.. she's also a girl who'll go all out if u're her friend. all out to include u in almost everything she'd planned. which makes her a very hospitable friend. hahaha!

isabel tan.
oh, isabel.. hahhaha!! a very funny girl when she forgets to take her medicine. hahaha! she's a very very deep girl who only opens up to pple whom she's SUPER SUPER comfortable to. hahah! obviously, not me. but she'll be the observant one among the 3. observing different pple and will be very quick to differentiate moods. and the best part is that she won't ask u on the spot just to hear the "no lah, i'm okay." hahahha! she'll wait until everybody go home alr den she'll either sms or ask u another day. a very thoughtful and observant girl. from what i observed, i realised she's the decision holder! even though they always CANNOT DECIDE. but jac and char are the ones who're anything, which leaves her the bulk of the decision. so isabel, u CAN DECIDE! its only how long later.. hahahha!

jacinta chua.
hahhaha!! dis one quite funny. the first time i knew abt her surname, i forgot if i told don or anybody. "huh? why chua sia. she don't haf the chua face eh. and jacinta chua somehow don't go well together lah. she looks more like a lee but jacinta goes better wif liu eh." hahahhaha!!! okay, rubbish lah. anyways, she's a girl that been thru quite alot like me. hahaha! apparently the evil twin.. can identify wif her easier coz i've been thru it, mostly. and she'd be the laughter of the group. somehow i like to make fun of her, but often pissed her off coz i don't know my limits. but nonetheless, she's quite a cool girl in terms of her vocab and hobbies. her face really don't match her sms wan sia. hahaha! which makes it fun to talk to her sometimes.. i can say she thinks alot and often reminds me of the scriptures, how i grew out of those problems and a channel for me to share my experience with too! and oh, she's apathetic when it comes to politics, but sympathetic when it comes to pple!! she feels wif the person, and naturally makes the person feels that he/she is not alone in dis. so sister, u're blessed wif dis hidden talent. u make pple feel good without even having to try!! praise God!

ng mingjie.
an all-time inspiration to me. he's like paul to timothy in the scriptures! he's often my 2nd last resort. last resort will be pastor aaron alr. hahah! i'll always go to him knowing that i can trust him and he'll gif me Godly advise. dis man is so wise in his decisions and the things he say.. a knowledgable brother that God had planted in my life to guide me and inspire me whenever i am clueless abt whether am i going the right way. though his entry is a lil short, but i think it's enough said. brother, i'm so blessed to haf u in my life! and i thank God for u!

pastor aaron.
oh man, what can i say what can i say.. a man after God's own heart. so faithful in his walk wif God and his ministries. a true role model for anybody young and old. so faithful wif his 'sheep' and always there to ask u out for dinner at the right time. always there to hear u out and advise u anytime. he sees u when u feel that u're insignificant in church. he shows me what does it mean by loving ur neighbours as urself. a brother, a friend, a pastor and a blessing that God had put in my life. so significant, so promptly. you've held my hand when i was afraid.. thank you, pastor!


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