Saturday, June 02, 2007


being is more important than doing.

had a quick dinner wif pastor aaron,
and i realised how long we haven't caught up.
a line that struck me during that short dinner was the one above.
really gave me a tangible idea of what serving God is all about.

haven't been blogging for a while now.
maybe coz i was too caught up in churchy stuff?
too busy running errands,
and organising?

and also maybe too caught up wif issues around me.
all came in a go..
really overwhelmed me.
but it helped me to take a step back and think,
where are all these going.

and only today i realised that actually
all these are NOT in vain.
its just trials and moldings that God accurately placed in our lives.
friendships that can withstand all these.

and apart from friendships,
love is patient, love is kind.
it really taught me how to love those that got on my nerves.

i thank God for pastor aaron.
for my friends.
don, zing, junhsiang, jac, char, bel, jianxiong, weiming.
God placed u guys in my life,
for a reason..

and i'm glad to haf u as friends..
of coz not neglecting the others un-mentioned.
pls don't feel insulted or unimportant.
hope u understand..
i still love u, i'll dedicate an entry to "friends that matter".
soon soon!

so yep, those who are drained wif "service" to the Lord.
pls strive on, with dis in mind.
that "u're a child of God".
he chose u, to be wif u.
first and utmost importance!

with dis, strive on my friends!!
fix our hearts on the prize!


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