Friday, February 09, 2007

too much.

woah, dis week, or these 2 weeks! so many things happened! the Lord had been good to me and each time, He just became better to me! hahaha! don't know what kinda comparison's that, but yah!

i just came back from a short 2-day exercise out in the sea. not really short though, 48 hrs in the sea wif only 4 hrs of slp, not really fun. but really gave me so much time to think and reflect on what has happened and where i'm heading.

ironic huh? army's sort of the "retreat" for desmond when he whizz past his weekends. so my week's actually quite balanced out. damn happy. monday - friday will be planning for weekend and it'll always turn out good.

alright, start proper.

my vocation's a boat specialist(sergeant). so most of the time i'll be out in the sea. navigating, supporting the various army infantry or armour formations. quite fun, last time i'll be the one driving, now i'm the one commanding! hahahha! cool eh? yeah, that's a lil update on myself.

and my dad! oh, he's been offered a job in some shipping company doing import & export quotations!! it was his ex-rival company! hahahha!! some who knew my dad's background of how he became a taxi-driver will say "wah, now pay-back time already man!" hahahhaa!!

next up, my sister! her 'O's were MAD! suddenly there're like so many jinpings around me. cannot take it. haha! she's got a whopping 12pts for R5 and eligible to minus 2 for CCA and 2 for higher chinese. which means she can get into her dream sch, SAJC wif 8 pts! eligible even for science! compared to my 'O's last time, think i can go jump into the sea next time i'm going out-sea again man! ahhahha!! but anyways, God was still gracious to me. and many others too!! jianxiong, weiming. brilliant lah! their results were God-given man! so glad to see them excel in their academics.

and generally for past 2 weeks. felt so good serving pple around me. fetching pple around, waking them up for church, popping some birthday gifts and card, talking to pple who're vexed, sharing wif pple my thoughts and theirs to me. building a community. so cool huh? just feels so happy when i see pple around happy and their open-ness to me just makes me feel so welcomed in their life although sometimes i feel so inadequate to be a 'busybody'. hahah! but nonetheless, God blessed me wif the spirit of discernment and strength and even passion to serve pple around me.

i used to struggle wif 'listening'. if u know what i mean. i've learnt that hearing and listening are 2 completely different things man! and now, i'm confident to listen to my friends and sometimes explanations or solutions are not impt at all. yep! really thank God for all these things in my life. small things that amount to a huge difference in my life! =)


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