Monday, July 25, 2005

take me in, Lord.

Take me past the outer courts
Into the Holy place
Past the brazen altar
Lord I want to see Your face

Pass me by the crowds of people
The priests who sing Your praise
I hunger and thirst for Your righteousness
And it's only found one place

Take me in to the Holy of Holies
Take me in by the blood of the Lamb

Take me in to the Holy of Holies
Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am
Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Back to the Basics?

Yeah, as u've seen my title "Back to the Basics?" have u ever came across a child who just runs all over the place, and once he saw his dad, he'll not care abt anything and just run all the way to the father and "swoop!" he's in his father's arms safe and warm.
haf u ever saw that kinda of scene before? as i was sharing wif one of my sister-in-Christ. it made me realise what kinda person am i, behind all the hardwork that i've tried to show pple that Desmond's capable of doing stuff. even though i know my Father's just in front of me, all i hafta do is fix my eyes on Him and run towards Him! but what do i really yearn for? pple's affirmation and attention? and why do i yearn all of that?
remembered that i was talking to a brother, he sort of reminded me that ALL affirmations and motivation MUST come from God. u MUST bear in mind that u do things for the glory of God. its by His' grace that u can do, and its His name that u proclaim when u're doing it. whether or not there's a result. and if there's a result, good or bad. God sees the process. and I must be affirmed and comforted that God knows, God knows..
Have i really been doing things on my own will and go round telling pple that "i'm struggling with alot of things!!" Or should i really sit down, get in tune wif God and ask Him truthfully, am i on the right path?
^the above scenario abt that child is quoted by a dear sister-in-Christ of mine. =)

*Jesus learnt obedience because He IS the Son of God, and not because He WANTS to be the Son of God.*

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


okay. i know it's retarded to blog dis but.. here goes.
i'm supposed to wake up at 7 every morning, and all my schedule is nicely packed. wake up, bathe, brush teeth, take bus go sch. no time for QT, no time to do anything but rush. yah, so yesterday night i was talking to mingjie over the phone, catching up and stuff. and we prayed over the phone man!! hahahaha. was a damn good feeling lah, being able to pray wif someone so closely. and we shared abt techniques of reading the bible. and i was very excited abt my new journey man. so he suggested that i can start the day wif a verse from Romans. and meditate upon the verse for the whole day, den at night reflect on what u've been thinking of. and yah. so after i put down the phone, i prayed myself again and asked for a stupid request. asked God to wake me up so that i can read the verse. i slept at 1am last night and it'll be quite impossible to even wake up at 7 lah, not to mention earlier than 7am. hahahaha. but i did wake up at 6.30am SHARP! without alarm clock. i set my alarm at 7am, but i woke up at 6.30. very very gently. haha. but i went back to sleep. hahahaa. whoops! but i did wake up!! and i think its God's work. haha! okay. that's all. =)


Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and brag about your relationship with God; if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law; if you are convinced that you a guide to the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, beacuse you have in the law and embodiment of knowledge and truth- you, then who teach others, do you not teach youself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that people commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who brag about the law, do you dishonour God by breaking the law? As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of YOU." Romans 2:17-24

to me, dis verse particularly struck me dis day. REAL HARD! things are rough in my life. things messed up, but i've dis tug in me that "SOMEthings happens for the best." dis phrase is inspired by one of my brother, whom i've confided in over the seas. cheers to this bro of mine, he may not know my gratitude, but i'm truly blessed by God.
i'm not affected by dis verse directly but it somehow indirectly reminds me of my old days when i talk to pple abt love, to listen to them and encourage them. God showed me that throughout the whole time, i haven't been exercising what i've preached. indeed i am hurt. am disturbed. am troubled abt stuff happening recently. but what can i do/say? same things will happen again.
anyways, on one side of me, it hurts to see that happiness in her even though in dis time. on the other side, i realise that i should be happy for her.
oh well, let's just move on. i can sense that dis is the beginning of God's work in me.

Father, your servant is ready and open to you. Abide in me as i abide in You. Haf mercy on me. in Jesus' name i ask, Amen.

Monday, July 11, 2005

ain't it?

like my dear friend's recent hot topic, "can love ever be defined?"
holy ans: Jesus set the example already.
my ans: its up to u on how u wanna love pple. there's no better or lousier love. there's only effective or ineffective love.