Tuesday, April 07, 2009


"These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."

- 1 Peter 1:7

how do we tell a pure gold
from an impure?
i guess it is pretty simple,
pure gold can nvr be a solid..

recently, i'd been thinking
how do i become pure?
what it means to be pure,
and to remain pure..

it is often a challenge,
as emotional beings.
we get a lil something of what we want,
we get distracted.

and when we don't get what we want,
we blame the Person who got us here.
reminds me of the israelites whom God brought out of Egypt.
how do we really remain pure?

before we jump right into 'purity',
do we really know who our Refiner is?
or do we think we're being refined,
just because it is painful to bear?

Peter told us in the abovementioned verse,
that until our faith is proved genuine,
we will not be able to give Him praise,
glory and honour, and He won't be revealed in our lives!

the verse just before 1 Peter 1:7 said,
"in this you greatly rejoice,
though now for a little while you may have had
to suffer grief in all kinds of trials"

trials are allowed in our lives,
to bring us to a new level of trust and experience
wif God.
each and every one of them is planned by Him!

a relationship wif God will be accompanied
wif experiences of our own, not others.
if we don't even haf the experiences to recount on,
our relationship is not one of communication, but knowledge.

do i rejoice only because things seem brighter now?
do i keep my peace when things are bleak?
Peter reiterated dis time and again,
rejoice in ALL kinds of trials..

if we fix our eyes on the true Refiner,
we will trust in Him at all cost.
coz our lives are all in His hands.
who is your refiner? God, or your heart and emotions?


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