Thursday, March 19, 2009


We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.
Romans 5:3-5

these verses we've heard one too many time.
some might think its cliche.
some might think its sometimes encouraging.
some might not even haf read it..

i personally thought dis was a milestone
when i read it today.
it speaks so much volume!
alvan would say, "his words got weight la sia"

ever gone to bed feeling tired?
i mean duh right, who doesn't.
i'm asking it again,
ever gone to bed feeling tired?

ytd, i went to bed v tired.
so tired that i hoped i didn't wake up today.
so discouraged and worn out,
that you just haf no more left..

yeah, i felt that.
i didn't know what to pray again.
but i thank God for the Holy Spirit,
who interceded for me!

i wouldn't say i feel recharged today,
or felt a sudden sense of enlightenment.
i still felt tired and discouraged,
but the difference is, i've surrendered.

and as i walked to my desk dis morning,
dis verse lighted up.
suffering produces perseverance!
and eventually hope..

i'm a person who isn't good at anything,
unless you count pissing pple off wif my words
and insecurity pangs
which i excel in.

but i'm a person who perseveres.
i like to outlast pple.
i like to push myself to the limits
and more often than not, beyond the limits!

so that personality makes me a long distance runner,
slow but steady.
i'm a person who can still run even when i hear
my hips creaking and my heart popping.

if i'm suicidal,
i'd think running myself to death is easy!
but don't worry,
i'm not suicidal..

but what i'm saying here is,
i'm v encouraged to see dis verse.
coz i see what perseverance can produce
in lieu of sufferings!

paul isn't being sadistic asking us to 'rejoice'
in what pple term as 'pain'.
what i think he's trying to say is,
do not lose faith!

sufferings are only temporary.
the prize is eternal..
but if we lose to what is temporary,
we'll nvr see the prize forever!

so whatever you're struggling wif now,
or things that you categorise under 'sufferings'.
press on!
fix your eyes on the Lord who allowed the sufferings.

for He is not torturing you,
He is refining you, coz He wants the best for you.
and in the arduous process,
He has poured love into our hearts to sustain us!

press on, press on.
we're almost there..
what doesn't kill us,
only makes us stronger!


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