Friday, March 06, 2009


Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:6

more often than not,
i find myself struggling to be assured
of something unseen.
what more to be confident?

last time i used to debate within myself,
"but dis is the way God made me what.."
now, that is pride and ignorance.
how foolish a boy i was..

i've often or in fact, always struggled
wif having assurance in the unseen.
when there were no encouragements,
no signs of improvement or growth..

but now i've learnt to look back.
not to look back and reminisce,
or to live in the past.
but to look back and be reminded!

how could any good work be started in me?
i'm nothing but another ordinary guy.
who has pessimism at its highest.
who is often inconsolable when downcasted.

i've been in reflective mood the past few days.
thinking where should i go from here,
or what am i doing wif my life,
or is there anyway i can enrich my life.

were there such days in your life?
where you suddenly got sucked into reflections,
and think "why am i here?"
what does God wanna do wif me here?

looking back, i can only praise God for His good work in me!
and so many times it is not intended for my personal
but His glory and splendour!
all praises go to the God who knows me.

how He'd sustained me through those dark moments,
how often He was my only friend
when i feel the most lonely and discouraged.
how He quietly supported me and patted on my shoulder.

He has already begun a good work in you
before you were even conceived in your mother's womb.
so now, its abt holding fast to your faith in Him,
and let Him hold you till His Kingdom comes.


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