Tuesday, March 03, 2009


i was handed 2 articles on saturday,
and one of which
i only had time to read today on the train.
how refreshing!

so many times,
we grow tired and weary serving.
no matter how enthusiastic
or how focused and determined we started off.

sometime along the way,
we will somehow fade away.
some will slip into their comfort zones,
some will feel so discouraged and tired.

more often than not,
i'll be confronted wif the latter!
even recently,
i was struggling within, how am i to be motivated!

but today,
dr rick langston reminded me of a simple
yet profound truth and example!
it talks abt the torch.

ever wondered why olympics always haf dis torch thing?
the lighting-up ceremony?
what is the significance of the flame,
and why is it so prominent?

the idealogy was warped along the way,
and today.
it is nothing but just 'carrying on' the tradition.
not many know why it exists in the first place!

even before the first great olympic games,
there was a soldier who was running back
to his kingdom reporting victory of the greek army!
he was carrying a torch in his hand and nothing else.

the torch actually symbolises 2 things.
first, the victorious war achieved by the greeks.
second, that was actually to pace the greek soldier,
in his run back to the palace!

wif that flame in hand,
he had to make sure he doesn't run too fast
lest the flame goes out.
at the same time, to reach the palace wif the victorious flame!

how simplicity encompasses such profanity!
true isn't it?
many times we're too excited,
sometimes too eager to finish what we've set out for.

and many times,
we run too fast causing the flame to blow out!
isn't it abt time to check your flame?
to see if its still burning..

let's learn to pace ourselves in ALL that we do!
be it ministry, career, education, courtship.
in God's time, in God's pace
His will and plan will unfold perfectly in our lives!

all you hafta do,
is to run in God's pace.
not take things for granted and stroll,
neither should we sprint!

its a skill or art to run in pace.
but once you've found the right pace.
the run will be never the same as before!
it will be enjoyable and healthy and accomplishing!

ahh, how i wish i could run soon..
i mean, literally!


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