Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Reliable Realist (RR)

Reliable Realists are down-to-earth and responsible-minded. Their most prominent quality is reliability and they will always make every effort to keep any promise given. Reliable Realists are more quiet and serious persons, they do not talk a lot but they are good listeners. They sometimes seem reserved and distant to outsiders although they often have a great deal of wit and esprit. Their strong points are thoroughness, a marked sense of justice. Reliable Realists do not dither about if something has to be done. They do what is necessary without wasting words.

Once Reliable Realists have set their mind on something, it is difficult to persuade them otherwise. They do not like to leave anything to chance. Planning means safety to Reliable Realists, as well as order and discipline. They have no problem respecting authorities and hierarchies but do not like to delegate tasks. They are certain that others would not deal with them as conscientiously as they do. In management positions, they are very task-oriented - they make sure that things are well done; however, they do not have a great deal of interest in personal contacts at work.

In relationships too, Reliable Realists are reliability itself. As partners, they are faithful and consistent, well-balanced and sensible. Security and stability are very important to them. Whoever has them as friend or partner can rely on them for a lifetime. However, it takes quite a while for Reliable Realists to enter into a relationship or friendship. They have little need for social contacts; they therefore take great care when choosing partners and friends and limit themselves to a small but exclusive circle which meets their high demands.

err, i can't help
but to concur wif most parts of it.
i really am dis sorta person huh..
oh well.


i read dis somewhere.
and i thought it made some sense..
why am i so into 'love' topics these days?
hmm, maybe its because.

"Love is not looking at each other, it is looking out for each other. Love is not looking at each other, but looking at the same direction together."

it is a christian quote,
so i'd presume that 'direction' most aptly refers
to the direction in life,
where God will bring them as a couple..

it is funny how men would rush into things.
like when they know somebody they like,
reciprocates their love.
they just can't wait but fall in love.

but then again,
its not just love matters that men will rush into.
even when you get a new gadget,
or a new toy.

excitement gets the better of you,
and soon enough
before you even realise,
you either get bored, or you've spoilt it..

talking abt that.
i've an interesting discovery abt myself.
some of you might've noticed that abt me.
but its something refreshing to me!

more often than not,
i'd spoil my new 'toy' than get bored wif it.
i don't really get bored wif stuffs..
in fact, i hold on to them pretty long.

for trivia sake,
i've been eating white bread wif ham and cheese
for breakfast for 7 months now!
and i'm not bored wif it.

it JUST dawned upon me,
that i didn't complain and am actually quite used to it.
eating bread wif ham and cheese,
drinkng tea in the morning.

from dis,
i'd think its quite safe for me to conclude
or at least reiterate the fact that
i'm not an easily bored person.

and i guess i should thank God for that.
i may not haf a novelty for new stuffs..
but i prefer the stable and familiar.
i'm more of a 'safe' person, i guess!

but when it comes to exploring!
that's my forte.
i love to explore new places,
and bring my closest friends to see..

coz if it brought a smile on my face,
i'd like to bring a smile across theirs as well.
coz it really thrills me,
to see pple around me happy!

oh well,
i guess that's just me.
i can complain abt being tired in ministry,
but i can't quite complain abt boredom or normalcy.

aight, these are some snippets of desmond in here.
i hope you know me slightly better today!
if you alr do,
den thank you for still being by my side till now.


One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the and to seek Him in His temple.
Psalm 27:4

Lord, let my faith in You
be built on Your love and grace
not on circumstances
or emotional calamities.

God, i put my trust in You.
i trust that You'll take control from here,
just like how You've always been
in control..

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


with all my heart,
with all my soul,
with all my mind
i want to love You Lord. and you..

Monday, December 01, 2008


even after all these time,
the sun never tells the earth,
"you owe me."
and what happens wif dis kinda love?

it lights up the whole sky.
i wanna be able to give dis kinda love.
and in view of the difficulty,
i'll read my bible and pray everyday.
that the Lord will help me through day by day.


By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one alreadt laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:10-11

Lord Jesus, may You be my foundation.
i thank You for pulling me out of the rubble,
and i know You'll always be there
to teach me and guide me.

help me to build nothing else
but love for You
and trust in You.
for nothing else satisfies the way You do.

i love You,
i love you..


somehow, ytd i couldn't slp.
not because i'm emo,
but because i'm thankful.
i kept praying and praising!

and i finally understood the true meaning
of what it means to love.
what it means to NOT expect,
and why..

when i love somebody from now,
i'll love and give wif no expectations.
don't roll your eyes as yet.
i know its almost impossible..

but everynight, and every morning
i'll pray that God will help me
to love without expectations.
to love simply because i want to.

i know i don't deserve a second chance,
but you listening to me
was already a bonus..
i thank God for all these!

somewhere and something in me,
tells me you're special.
and i know its you..
somewhat, somehow.

well, i guess when it comes to the heart.
nobody can explain everything..
i know it is too early to say,
but i wanna hold your hand til we're aging and old.