Monday, December 17, 2007


indeed it was all worth it!
looking at the young ones experience God,
looking at them enjoying the games,
looking at them go crazy during the campfire,
looking at them laugh at the talentime.

t'was all worth it!
nothing else meant more to me
than my own walk wif God.

God was so real, to us!
seeing how it rained 2 days before the camp,
and now rained the whole day again after the camp.
and during the camp, it was so sunny!
really no words are enough to thank Him.

the youths have really grown alot.
and i've got to know so many more pple!
though i'm busy wif stuff,
but i've got sufficient quality time wif friends!

so thankful, really.
dis camp has not only been a dream come true,
but MANY prayers answered!

Oh, how i love u oh Lord!
You'd been the source of strength thru dis.
and u'll always be, in times of need.
where will i be without u?
what can i do without u?
nothing, nothing.
absolutely nothing!!

oh, i'm in sucha mood to praise!
the immense joy in my heart!
oh Lord, u're so worthy of such praises.
i don't wanna let dis joy go..

abide in me, as i abide in You yah?
coz ur child wants to be with His Father forevermore!
Love u, Dad.

yeah, u guys are right.
leadership IS lonely..
but with You, i'm victorious!


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