Monday, April 30, 2007

by Grace.

Baptism was GREAT!
When pastor Andrew assigned me the ‘cross’ signage on my forehead,
I felt that I just got a premium seat in Heaven.
It’s a stupid but powerful affirmation I get.
But I guess its too much of a ritual to base my salvation on.

It simply shows that I was weak in my faith!
Do I need a ritual to feel salvaged in the heavenly realms?
But nonetheless, I give all glory and honour to God
Who miraculously brought my whole family to witness my baptism!
Was encouraging, and distracting at the same time.
But all’s good.
I’m not complaining.

And another miracle!
Wah, dis one must share.
I took leave from 4-8 june sumore!

Okay, I’m not supposed to take leave actually.
Because I’m on NTM (notice to move)
Other words, on alert..
So its hard for me to take leave.
Furthermore its OVERSEAS LEAVE!

Wah, damn funny.
Dis is how the conversation wif my gay platoon sergeant go.

ME: eh, ps. My leave how ar? Can anot?
PS: when ar? 4-8 june ar? Abit hard leh. Nvm, I get back to u.
ME: err, okay okay.

Next day (tues) 8am..

PS: hello desmond ar? Ur leave hor? By right cannot lah. Coz u’re on ntm.
But I can let u go. but if I activate u, can u reach camp in 1 hr?
ME: huh?! 1 hr? my camp in Malaysia leh? Den like that nvm lah, think cannot alr.
PS: wah, like that bigger problem. Nvm nvm. Gif me a while more, I go help u negotiate.
ME: okay thanks, but must confirm by dis Thursday leh, coz I dis Sunday hafta sign up alr.
PS: okay okay.

2 days later (thurs) 1pm..

PS: eh, ur overseas leave can alr!
ME: sure anot? OC (Officer Commanding) allow meh?
PS: don’t doubt me! My rank not for fun wan.
ME: hahaha! Okay okay. Thanks thanks!
PS: but u must hurry go apply, for record sake. By today must let OC endorse.
ME: okay okay. I go ask the clerk to do now.


ME: eh clerk, can help me apply overseas leave from 4-8 june and print for OC to endorse NOW. I hafta do by today.
CLERK: okay okay. I come down now and do.

ME: hello OC Sir ar, SGT Desmond here ar.
OC: yah why?
ME: regarding my leave application, I print alr, can help me approve by today? Coz I hafta sign up for the camp by dis wk.
OC: okay, I’m on my way back to camp now. See me at 4pm.


OC: eh Desmond ar, endorse alr.

Then the Christian talk begins.. he’s also a Christian btw. But a wayward one. Hahah! Vulgar, drink and gamble!

okay, the above version is very mild.
due to some security reasons.
hahah! so if u want a full animated version, come ask me!
i'll act it out for u!
free of charge!

Yep! So that’s how I got my leave!!
By God’s grace right?
Even my senior specialists tell me.
Wah, u damn lucky sia.
How much did u pay OC?

Lord, u know my heart's desire,
and by great mercy u allow it to happen!
thank you, Father!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Desmond – “the Resourceful One”.

Today was the final retreat before I get baptized tml.
Mixed feelings though.
As I ran thru the service in my head during the retreat,
Flashbacks of my past whizzed past.

Images of the rites and rituals,
Scenes of the funerals.
Honour that was placed on my shoulder during the funeral,
Being the eldest grandson, eldest son.

After tml, I’ll be dead to all these.
Guess my parents still don’t know what’s the significance of baptism.
One day at a time,
Slowly but surely,
I’ll convince them that filial piety is not just shown after death.
But I’ll be filial to them in dis life!

As I was post the most common killer qn from a typical Chinese family,
“when I die, will u hold joss sticks?”
My ans: “No, aiyah. Maybe lah.”
Maybe I just didn’t wanna make a scene.

I was lost, was alone, was perplexed, was confused.

Only today, God used Pauline to speak to me,
In a firm but gentle manner.

2 Cor 4:8-12
We are hardpressed on every side, but not crushed;
perplexed, but not in despair;
persecuted, but not abandoned;
struck down, but not destroyed.
We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus,
So that life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake,
So that his life will be revealed in our mortal body.
So then, death is at work in us,
But life is at work in u.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Come, Holy Spirit I need you.

Come, Holy Spirit I pray.

Come in Your strength and Your power.

Come in Your own gentle way.