Tuesday, August 16, 2005

what a great joy!

first of all, i wanna gif thanks to dis best friend of mine. i wanna thank Him for EVERYTHING He's placed in my life daily. both good and bad. hey my friends, u know what? i really just can't stop praising His' name [sorry sarah.] because everyday, and i mean everyday there's something for me to praise Him for. if u've been wondering how come desmond suddenly so holy. i would say, "great thanks to the Lord for bring the PDL campaign into our church, into my life." its true! everyday i'll just wanna tell myself that "today is a new day to make God smile!! so exciting!"

like what i've told some of u, that the chapter that made dis vast change in me is "What makes God smile". it is so inspiring [at least for me], to just aim to make God smile everyday. my SIP group has dis post-it notes software in our cell com. and our group leader will update those notes and state what are our tasks for the day. same thing! every morning when i wake up, i just wanna relive that assuring feeling at night before i sleep that "i had made God smile today." and naturally, it'll just bring a smile on my face. just like when i see cheryl smile, i'll haf dis internal joy in me. even though at times i didn't show it. dis is probably the reason why i can relate the importance and joy in making God [the person u truly love] smile.

and what's most amazing when u keep a close r/s wif God is that u'll naturally begin to see that God is in EVERY aspect in ur life! and i really really wanna honour Him by sharing dis wif u all. today wasn't a very good day. had lotsa mis-communication wif pple, pple mis-judge u through their assumptions. and u try so hard to show love by suppressing ur anger that u know will end up quite badly, yet pple still blame u for being non-chalent. u know that kinda feeling, somehow puts pple to wonder whether is what u do, love? so the whole night was moody for me until when i reached home. don't know why i decided to smile and greet my mother when i reach home. and she smiled back!! she didn't "shen jing ar? hen hao xiao meh?" like she'd usually say. hahahahaha! and she straight away sat up from her lying down postion on the sofa, so eager to update me on my family as i haven't been home early enough to talk to them for nearly a week. yah, so she told me so many things and she suddenly ask me to bring my brother to church. hahha! i was quite turn-off lah, the bringing him home part after church, and all the attention from pple. don't really like lah. yah, den i don't know why, suddenly i just ask "why u don't wanna go church ar?" den she said "you think i don't want meh? but where do i find the time? the stall opens on sundays. and if i don't work, the family expenses how?" yah, so i just nodded lor. but the happiest part is that she said "u think i don't want meh?" there's dis small lil gap in her heart, but buried under piles and piles of commitment!! so i urge all of u, that in ur quiet time, please keep my mum in prayer. there's hope for my family!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!

yep, so i pray that those of u who are struggling to keep up wif the campaign or struggling to love God, to continue to struggle till the end. its nvr easy. but the good news is He nvr gives up. =)

*i'm still in bliss in the midst of tough times*


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