Tuesday, August 02, 2005

its all abt u. not abt us.

somethings, really do happen for a reason. be it upset or for joy. its still a reason. many a times, we tend to carry every burden by our own strength and start blaming ourselves for not being able to fulfil certain standards we've set for ourselves. and u all should know what goes on next.
model ans: we must let God carry our burdens. not by our strength.
right? hahah. i don't hafta elaborate anymore. but recently, i've been thinking.. how do we let God carry our burdens? how do we so simply cast it to Him and be light-hearted and live life as it is. how? like, what's the "art of letting go"? haven't been able to answer that yet. still thinkin.
but while i was reading PDL in the first chapter. as the title suggests "its not abt us." den i had a brief concept abt what rick warren's gonna talk abt. must be those kinda things like "praise God, not always praying for ur wants and needs and blah blah blah.."
but its not! he talks abt focal point. and God should be our focal point. we'll nvr get to our destination, if our starting point is wrong!! so many pple have been struggling wif "finding our own purpose". including myself. in fact, recently i was very very disturbed and discouraged when i see my relatives or close friends who are younger than me, excel and discoverd their talents much earlier than me. and i can't help but wonder, am i really good at something? as u can see, the above line already has so many "i", "me". so is it really abt me or God? even though its just the first chapter of PDL, but i can really sense dis tugging and feeling that something revolutionary is gonna take place in my life. and i'm excited! for our cell, BCG. for my excitement to please God. for my life that's gonna take flight in 38 days time. but of coz, i shouldn't be so hyped up and on-fire for now, and then lose the boost after some time, which ALWAYS happens. dis time, i'm gonna try something different. i want to learn and take things slow. so dear brethrens, u should know what to do. PRAY FOR EACH OTHER! =)

* i'm still hopeful *


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