Monday, August 08, 2005

for pleasure?

dear friends, after reading the PDL book for a week now. haven't faced any doubts throughtout the week. until when cheryl asked me dis, "why are we on dis earth for God's pleasure? why pleasure? why not plans or purpose?"
ever asked urself that? the first thoughts in my head were "oh yah ar. why is God so selfish? why did He create us for Himself to play? and He jolly well knows that we're gonna suffer on dis earth, why the hell He created us for? pleasure?!" yeah, those were my thoughts. but nonetheless, i pondered and thought for quite a while, over the week and prayed abt it. and these are my thoughts.
one of my friend, bharat told me dis. "God finds pleasure in loving us. He loved us so much that He wanna create us and put us on dis earth for preparation for His REAL REWARD, HEAVEN." upon hearing dis, i was still very stubborn and refuted, "He can choose to create us and put us straight in heaven, why must let us suffer?" but i asked myself, am i really worthy to be in heaven at my present state? and that answer still didn't set in me until today, when mingjie prayed for our cell, saying "... for Your pleasure, we're made." nothing special abt dis line itself, but i think God really spoke to me and highlighted whatever bharat said before.
"I loved u so much that i wanna create u so similar wif myself. so that we can spend eternity together in soul, not just thoughts and images in my head."
alot of pple may think, den why create us to make us suffer on dis earth? if He already knew all these would happen?
my analogy to answer dis qn is:
there're are exams to test and make us study really hard, the teachers knew that it's torturing, why can't they just scrape the whole idea of EXAMINATION and just gif us our cert?
brothers and sisters, God is like the "teacher". He felt for us when we mug, when we suffer under stress. He DIDN'T laugh over our suffering, but came down to our level and taught us step by step in details. He didn't scrape the whole system of examination because He felt that there's a NEED for dis EXAM[life on earth], in order to suceed in the working world and haf a good life thereafter[eternal life in heaven]. let's not just coop ourselves and lament over these short-term suffering and overlook God's whole plan for us. but praise God, for dis EXAM. if not for dis "suffering", we'll all be banished to hell. simply because we ALL fall short of His' glory. we really NEED dis exam.
*thank You, master.*


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