Friday, September 10, 2010


it has been such a long time,
since i've sat down to reflect.
it has been such a long time,
since i've sat down to pray.

during this time,
i won't deny that i've strayed.
not just away from this blogger dashboard,
but from the very heart of worship.

ironically, it was the alleged ministries,
that i often find myself mangled in.
literally sapping out each and every ounce of my energy,
and my human limitation only caved in to such weakness.

during this period of time,
i won't say i've experienced hell without God.
He wasn't too far away from me,
like He'd promised that He'll nvr leave me.

but it was the parch dryness that was leaving me empty,
sucking up my passion and strength for the Lord
like a merciless sponge,
literally feeding on my aimless pursuit of busyness.

and now, in the wee hours of a public holiday,
can i finally take a breath of refreshing whiff.
seating in my all too familiar chair,
perusing 'The Shack' by WM. Paul Young.

knowing that i would not be distracted,
i took dis time to read, reflect and take stock of where i am.
and in front of my gaze,
was 2 cor 4:6-7 whispering to me.

some time back,
i wanted to blog about 'me-time'.
a time wherein most if not all of us yearn for
one too many times..

but again, the busyness, fatigue and lack of brain juice
just got the better of me.
but now, i've realised that in my head,
there's a whole new definition of 'me-time'.

its not abt spending time wif ourselves,
or the very-much cliched spending time wif God.
but its abt finding yourself in God,
in the very thick of our business.

that, in itself is so profound yet fundamental
so much so that, often we know what it is,
but nvr really gotten around to finding it.
and now, i'm in that place.

this peace that i'm enjoying right now,
is not gonna last.
like everything other good thing,
its gonna disappear the moment i wake up later.

but at least during now,
i can say a little prayer to God.
with absolutely nothing else on my mind,
akin to a friend smiling to another friend without speech.

the peace, the surreality, the joy.
its something i know i won't seek to pursue everyday,
but its something i know i'm blessed to have experienced.
it is, but a gift from our ever-faithful friend.