Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Wednesday, July 07, 2010


if He carried the weight of the world
upon His shoulders,
i know that my Father will carry me through.

He said go unto Him,
all who're weary..
and He'll give us rest.

Saturday, July 03, 2010


his exact words were:

"both your feet stood on the threshold of discovery.
you've alr discovered the knowledge and acquired the experiences.
the Lord is wif you,
you are taking the right path.

as you walk,
you'll find that the path grows wider
and broadens itself in abundance.

you've been blessed wif gifts
and you know how to use them.
you will be a blessing to pple around you,
BUT, use it wif humility."

somehow it feels strange within me,
i don't know if i'm happy, excited, or cautious.
maybe because dis is my first time,
whatever it is, Lord, i trust in You..