Thursday, October 29, 2009


The strongest competitor to worship is service.
-Oswald Chambers

isn't it so true?
the speaker at the seminar elaborated ytd,
that more and more christians are losing their first love.
we no longer know the importance of worship..

we're all made to worship.
if we don't worship God,
we find ourselves worshipping other things..
simply coz we're wired primarily to worship!

some time back,
in matt redman's church.
the leaders felt the need to ban the band,
coz most of them are too occupied wif the technicalities.

they forgot the essence of worship.
it isn't abt music, isn't abt words..
nor was it abt technicalities, or the sound.
it was a lifestyle of worship unto our first Love!

and so matt redman wrote the song,
"heart of worship".
if we were to read the words,
or examine the lyrics coming out of our mouths.

we'd find that it talks abt worship beyond external praise.
it really isn't abt the words we sing,
or the number of hours we put to rehearse.
its abt our heart and expression of love to God..

service should nvr precede our worship unto God.
whatever and however we 'serve',
we do it BECAUSE we love God,
we don't serve in order to love God!

i can understand what it means to find rest in Him.
coz whenever i get burnt out (which is frequent)
i really yearn to just chill in my chair,
and hum a familiar tune to God..

and read His word and see how His nvr-failing love
reassure my service unto Him.
most of the time,
i find myself at rest!

it is essential for us in dis day and age,
to take time regularly to spend time wif God.
isn't it ironic if we say we're doing all these for the One we love,
yet we draw further from Him coz of the apparent 'acts of love'?

when we find ourselves overloaded,
and tired each night to even pray and spend time wif Him.
that is the most prominent sign,
of worshipping works instead of God.

take some time today,
even right now.
to listen to His voice,
to communicate wif Him in your spirit..

i'm coming back to the heart of worship,
it's all abt You.
it's all abt You, Jesus..


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