Tuesday, June 30, 2009

wif regards.

a couple of days back,
on sunday to be more precise.
gab stunned me wif an observation
out of the blue!

gab: did you know that there's no such word as irregardless?
des: *lights up* is it? i thought haf.. we always use ma!
gab: what's the point of irregardless,
when there is alr the word 'regardless'?

that took me a while to ponder,
and i'm still pondering till now.
but i told gab that i'll merriam-webster it,
and i even asked around for opinions!

its funny how such terminologies excite me,
and how simple words, root words grip my attention!
after much research and thought,
i conclude that there is still ongoing debate..

on whether should 'irregardless' be formalized.
up till today, editors of legal draftings,
editors of the newspapers and magazines are still
amending 'irregardless' to 'regardless'.

merriam-webster had a sound reasoning for dis
seemingly superfluous term.
it is actually a cognition of 'irrespective' and 'regardless'.
hence, 'irregardless' had been coined.

it is however, used in informal speeches
or informal writings.
as of today, 'irregardless' is still considered barbaric
and is not accepted by scholars and academics..

nonetheless, here are some responses from public.
its to make it sound nicer..
the usage should depend on the sentence structure.
oh, you mean its not a word? oh my gosh. [a lawyer]

inevitably, i seem to be reminded of some words.
like even today on the train,
paul said, "i was not disobedient.."
somewhere in Acts..

why did he use not disobedient,
when there is a more convenient accepted word, 'obedient'?
i'd think sometimes its for the emphasis,
that he is not something..

wif the pretext that the Sanhedrin thinks he's disobedient,
in context wif the law that he allegedly blasphemed.
so in efforts to dispel the idea that he's disobedient,
he used not disobedient, instead of obedient.

a certain phrase sounds more impactful,
when you include an opposition.
like 'not disobedient' sounds more obeying than 'obedient'.
and 'not fat' is more convincing than 'skinny'.

i can't help but be particularly intrigued,
by such simple intricacies in the english language,
that was once considered barbaric..
although it may seem ridiculous to post an entry on dis.

hmm, if you've got any more insights
pertaining to dis.
don't hesitate to call me ya?
i'll not be obliged to discuss it wif you!


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