Friday, June 26, 2009


"For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the the heavens."

2 Corinthians 5:1

it has been quite a fair while,
since i've blogged abt the verses
that i conscientiously still flip on my
daily scripture calendar..

and i've decided to blog dis verse
coz it seems apt to the many things happening today.
not in my life solely,
but in the world as well.

for some of you who've alr known,
the legendary singer, Michael Jackson has died.
and thank God his nose was still intact,
on his death bed.

it came as a shock to the world,
as he was alr planning to make a comeback world tour
since his self-reclusion lifestyle
in response to the child molest charge he was face wif.

and when he's all set to resurface,
his heart decides to disobey and there goes.
to his eternal neverland.
its really quite sad..

not all of us here knows
that we do have eternal buildings in heaven.
and among those who knows,
not everybody believes.

jacko isn't one of the lucky ones who believes i guess?
irregardless of his riches in dis world,
it really goes to show how empty worldly possessions are!
and i don't even know if he brought his cosmetic nose wif him!

all our earthly tents will be destroyed,
whether we like it or not.
now the only option we've left is,
do we haf an eternal building in heaven?

if you do believe that you've a whole building named after you,
den i'm sure you won't hold so tightly to worldly possessions now.
if you don't believe,
maybe its because you think you've all you wanted on earth.

and that you think you can do the same in heaven,
by 'earning' your building.
dis serves as a gentle reminder..
you can't earn it, you can only receive it.


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