Monday, April 20, 2009


how often do we take things into our own hands?
and yet at the same time say "trust and obey"

a lil boy once had dis toy bear,
which he loved dearly.
he spent alot of time wif it
and let almost no one come close to it.

randy would play wif his 'pooch'
indoors and outdoors.
he'd share his tiny secrets wif pooch,
knowing that it would be safe.

he slept wif pooch,
played wif pooch,
confided wif pooch,
and pooped wif pooch.

they had great times together!

due to the humidity
and the theorem of wear and tear,
pooch got smelly and needed a wash.
but randy refused and clung on even tighter!

his mum knew that randy had sensitive skin,
and felt the need to give pooch a good wash.
knowing that his mum was trying to take pooch away,
randy was really upset and refused to give it up.

mum: randy, it is for your own good.
randy: but i want pooch by my side!
mum: do you trust me?
randy: yes, i do. but..

i've to admit i was or still am like randy.
always looking at the 'now'..
always thinking that i know what's best for me.
at least for now.

i believe many of us haf our 'pooches' in life.
things or even people that we just can't let go..
somtimes even though we know its for our good,
we just can't bear to.

and yet, we often say we trust God.
how do we prove our trust?
some would say, i trust Him in every other thing!
some would even say, why can't God trust me!

because of our tenacity,
and as i am typing dis.
the word 'pride' just pops up so clearly!
we think we're good enough.

randy could bear wif the smell,
or at least more than he could bear to part wif pooch.
but his mum knows,
that if it goes on, randy would be harmed.

randy probably faced fear,
like many of us when we're told to give up.
afterall, his mum would return randy his pooch right?
but of coz randy wouldn't be so sure of that!

i guess that's where trust and faith comes in.
if our pooch gets returned to us after being taken away,
good for us.
but if it doesn't, we've to know its only for the better.

randy has to trust in his mum,
that things will be better btw him and pooch.
wif better smell,
and less irritation on his skin.

but if it doesn't gets returned to him,
he has to know that maybe his time wif pooch is up.
time to wean off the past
and trust that there're better things awaiting!

i don't know why,
but i feel so much pain typing all these.
all i know is that,
dis is something out of my comfort zone.

and i definitely cannot do without divine help.
now, its up to me to exemplify trust..
do i trust Him enough?
do i know Him enough to trust Him?

joanna once told me,
sometimes, the only way to love
is to let her go.
i've to admit, its true..


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