Friday, April 17, 2009


today i'm in sucha mood to blog.

i chanced upon dis article in the papers,
abt dis man, Al Capones.
he was allegedly the most notorious gangster
in the 20's to 30's.

he was also alleged as
the man behind the 1929 Valentine's Day Massacre.
in which his henchmen pulled out machine guns
from their violin cases.

Capones always had a knick in music.
as it was stated in the papers,
"Capone could read music and liked to play a banjo and
a mandola, which is like a mandolin, only bigger."

but the song that he wrote,
'Madonna Mia', the hit single after 70 years.
was written behind the bars
for his wife who stuck by him, Mae.

for a deeper read, here:

i've always admired ladies of dis tenacity.
against all odds,
she'd stay by his side
and hold on tight to the r/s.

how rare is it nowadays.
i can almost imagine pple telling me,
"pls la des, wake up.."
you know who you are!

another one that came to my mind was
a scene in prison break.
when a friend of scofield asked him,
"what kinda girl do you fancy?"

and he peered into his eyes,
thought abit and replied wif such sincerity
and i'd say a whole load of honesty amidst the running.
if i recall correctly, he said.

"a girl who can look you in the eyes
and see the good behind all the bad."

how many people are willing
or even patient enough to look beyond these days?
something he/she does that turns him/her off,
time to move on.

what actually stays?
is it all abt what suits US the best now?
where art thou, juliet?


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