Saturday, April 11, 2009


i completed season 2 of prison break!
2 weeks, 2 seasons.
aight, i know i may seem a lil addicted.
but i'm still sane alright?

anyways, after watching 2 seasons of it,
i did learn something la.
and it only dawned upon me
at the last episode of season 2!

those 8 fellas who escaped from prison,
had different reasons and 'needs' for the escape.
some for money, some revenge,
some for family and some for innocence.

let me delve into the notorious pair,
michael scofield and lincoln burrows.
they're brothers and they escaped
for their innocence..

for 2 whole seasons,
they were just running and running.
to a point where nearing the midpoint of season 2,
i got a lil frustrated and tired of seeing them run!

not that it was boring,
but i tried to put myself in their shoes.
aren't they ever tired of running?
living in constant fear and making narrow escapes each time.

until the last episode of season 2,
lincoln burrows, the brother who was on death roll
was exonerated of his sentence
and is a free man in the eyes of law.

i literally felt relieved for him man.
the feeling of being free..
i can identify wif him,
maybe coz i've been in that situation before.

anyways, aside from that.
it just made me realise how important
or liberating, being free is..

and so many times,
almost uncountable even.
that we took our salvation for granted.
we took the bloodied cross so lightly..

some didn't even believe in the cross.
some believed but unconvinced.
some were convinced but weren't convicted.
and some were deeply grateful..

God didn't hafta set us free.
He can always restart the whole earth,
and create a new world of His own.
not having the need to be heartbroken by us ingrates.

when i was a young christian,
i've to admit i was unfazed by Jesus' death.
to me, my mentality was
"God can always create another Jesus."

and den subsequently,
i just had the idea that it wasn't all true.
i tried to think of myself as a dad,
wif an only child.

i too can 'make' as many kids as i want to.
anybody can make as many kids as they want to.
but why the sob-affair when their kid pass on?
even if it was of a young age.

feelings, emotional attachments.
these are the heart-strings that are formed
at the minute of the birth.
it need not take a few yrs for you to love your child..

likewise, Jesus was God's ONLY begotten Son.
He too loved Jesus alot.
but He gave Him up,
for us, the self-righteous ingrates.

to be able to set free,
first we must believe that God loves us.
and love is really something that cannot be explained,
but only proved.

and the best part is,
we need not be living in constant fear
of when is death gonna come?
we need not fear when we're gonna be caught by the Hades.

coz God has exonerated us.
that is the beauty of being set free..
we're free men now,
because our Father, the King has given us royal pardon.

going back to prison break.
at the end of season 2,
i thought "finally, can live their own lives alr."
den SUDDENLY, i realised.

there're seasons 3 and 4!
they're persecuted by the 'undergrounds'.
who wants them dead.

so now they're running not for their innocence,
but their lives.
and speaking abt that,
i'm going watch season 3 now!!


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