Tuesday, November 11, 2008


i wished i didn't know so much.
know so much of a model answer that is.
how should one cope with emotional distraught.
how should one look towards God in ALL things..

as much as these tys answers are there,
they are somewhat difficult to apply.
and as far as i'm concern,
i can advise, but i can't adhere..

likewise in the statutes of law in the world.
there is what they call, the laws.
and there is also the 'public policies'
which reserves the human rights.

let's say you're grieving (attending a funeral),
and you got a parking ticket for inconsiderate parking.
you will still get the summon,
but a waiver might be allowed.

just because you're grieving,
there are a certain emotions tagged along.
authorities (who're also humans),
will bear in mind that emotions do play a part.

logic and emotions are eternal loggerheads.
we might KNOW what is right,
but we might not DO what is right.
and that is a fact!

we may be penalised for NOT doing what is right,
but we may be pardoned,
in view of the circumstance.
what abt God?

is God all logic or emotions?
i'm trying very hard to put the two together.
finding instances to prove it wrong,
that the loggerheads can actually agree with each other.

sorry, i can't.
i can't find any examples.
let me know if you do find examples and prove me wrong.

i will not discount the fact that i'm not in my best state.
but i also will not fault God in anger and negligience.
firstly, i've no right to fault the King.
secondly, i've only myself to blame.

i pray that as i learn to cope wif my disorders,
i'll continue to look to God,
and be a blessing to pple around me.
bring joy to them..


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