Tuesday, August 19, 2008


i only reached office at 1pm today.
took half day leave..
was too damn tired man!

so nice to be able to laze in my own bed.
and its been a long time since i last slept in.
i only woke up at 11.30am man!
and it was coz of the alarm clock!

where is the smile?
where is the passion?
i can't help but wonder,
is dis what God really wants?

and if it is,
den why?
or rather,
what He wants from us through dis.

i'm battered.
so many things coming up dis wk.
and i've totally no motivation to lead worship!
but i guess i've to do it.

then again,
when am i ever ready to lead worship?
its been the longest time i actually AM happy.
but wif God, all things are possible.

i'll hold on to Him so tightly,
coz i can't afford to let Him go now.
i need Him so badly!
ever so badly..


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