Wednesday, August 13, 2008


first half of chpt 7,
gives me a steady progression,
of what it takes or means
to love God..

and i read something which is quite true.
you may serve God, worship God,
go to church faithfully every sunday.
but can you say it aloud to me,
"i love God with all my heart."

it challenges us to proclaim to others,
with sincerity and honesty.
something of which we'd been preaching and singing,
"love God with all your heart.."

but when we're actually challenged to say it,
can you say and mean it?
try telling your parents,
"dad, i love God wif ALL my heart."

some of us fear that once saying it others,
we've uphold a certain 'standard'
a certain 'image' in front of them.
and we're afraid we cannot do it.

some of us might think,
"i can serve God, i can worship God,
i can go church everyday if i need to.
but don't ask me if i love God enough."
some of us are just doing beings..

and me, i don't think i'll be able to say it.
coz i know deep down in me,
i still don't trust God enough,
i may not even know if i love God.

somebody once told me,
"i don't think i know how to love somebody."
i didn't believe,
or rather, i couldn't believe it.

but now i know what it means.
coz sometimes the way we do things,
we might think its out of love,
but others may perceive it as "works"

for me, i like driving pple around.
i like serving in church whenever i can.
i like listening to pple when they're down.
i like sharing wif pple my 2-cents worth.

but are all these love for pple around me?
are all these love that God wants me to give?
i seriously don't know,
and i really don't know how to know.

coz when it comes to the 'tougher love',
when it challenges you to love your enemies.
oh, that i cannot man!
its really really hard lah!

so keeping in view the 2 examples mentioned,
will God still say i loved Him wif all my heart?
are these considered works?
or demonstration of love?

i can only come to one conclusion.
if you love the Lord,
let your love that flows
reflect God's glory and love in your life to others.

like if i somebody on earth,
i would go all out to please the girl.
i'd go out of my convenience to serve the girl.
i'd say "i love you with all my heart"

that's the kind of love God wants.
a relationship kinda love.
not a servant master kinda love.
not a teacher student kinda love.

our God is a jealous God.
therefore, He'll not give us something/someone
whom He knows will distract us from Him,
until we love Him wif ALL our hearts!


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