Wednesday, July 02, 2008


i've got so much to blog abt!
its funny how i sound so alive in my blog.
but when you meet me in person,
or sms me.

i won't haf the energy to entertain for long.
i won't be able to sms for long.
i won't be able to initiate smses like before,
i won't haf enough strength to do anything!

its like i've been sucked into a life of depression.
not that i'm sad,
don't get me wrong.
but just not happening i guess?

oh yah, so anw!
although i don't know if law is for me,
but at least i know
accountancy's NOT for me!

with all due respect to you, jac.
how the hell you survive studying these irritating modules,
for the past 1 year?!

today everything was good,
was smooth and
i thought i was damn good
a case management officer!

until about 4.45pm!
i realised i had to calculate the costs and stuff,
and i had to churn out invoices all that
which i seriously hate and suck at!

so okay,
i told myself i gotta master it soon!
since i'm alr a full-timer,
i can't afford to keep asking pple to help me!

and i started calculating the balances,
the tabulation of costs all that.
and at 5.30pm,
i'm still CALCULATING!!

i still had to churn out the invoices,
and draft a letter to go along wif those.
and i hate to leave things to a later date,
i HAVE TO get it done before i leave no matter what!

so at 5.35pm, i FINALLY got the tabulations.
and i was alr super frustrated!
coz the figures just kept changing coz of the

so i churned out the invoices,
after probably 10 tries?
before i got the 'perfect' invoice printed.

coz by then, the accountant went home alr.
and i had to trial and error myself.
think she's gonna be damn impressed,
seeing the invoice on her table.

well, she BETTER BE!
and so, by then it was 6.10pm!
i left the office quite grumpy.
nvm, its over. i'll try again soon.

don't know today what happened sia!
think the accounting world had a campaign or something.
"Piss Desmond Off Whenever and However You Can Day!"
seriously lah!

jac, did you get that campaign's bulletin?
wah lau eh!
i tell you all.

early in the morning,
at abt say, 10am?
i had to ask this other law firm if the funds are correct,
and if they'd received our cheque.

and that bloody accountant just had to say,
"are you new? i'm very busy you know?
next time if not impt don't call and ask me can?"

like as if i wanna call you lah!
if not for your "Immediate Attention" stamp,
i wouldn't even call you lah!
wah *toot toot toot tooot toooooooooottt lah!!!*

first i encounter rude secretary,
and now pms accountant.
who's next?
i'm just doing my job lah!

okay, nvm.
work aside, it's over anw!
and i've to love the unlovables.

yah, so after a long day.
i was on the train home..
stoned in the train again,
don't really care if pple breathe down my neck anymore.

so as i was on the train,
plugged in.
was just going thru in my head,
visualising how dis sat will roughly be like.

den i got distracted,
not by the programs or pple around me in the train.
but i got distracted and slightly discouraged.
by the older pple in the band.

i won't mention who,
but i was just thinking.
shouldn't it be the older ones trying to support me
in gelling the band together?

since they're supposed to be more matured,
more experienced.
but in my case, no!
weird huh?

it's like i'm trying to integrate the oldies
with the younger ones in the band!
and i know they're not keen on the zoo thing at all.
but you know at least be courteous man!

if don't wanna go,
at least reply my email!
that's the least they could do right?
not asking them to draft me a letter or something.

until i call and ask,
den you tell me got dis and that!
yah, like "thanks lah!"
where's your sense of responsibility?

pauline, you should understand how irritating it is right!
to take effort and send out emails,
only to receive NO replies.
and when you try to be nice and call, you get rejected.

yah, i'm getting abit sick of all these,
accommodating and giving in thing lah.
and whatever rubbish like,
"aiyah, he/she is lidat lah!"

that has nvr been a reason to me,
not even close to being an excuse lah!
if you've a prob wif me. tell me!

don't go around telling pple abt my shortcomings,
and frown whenever you see me.
c'mon man!
even if i got no brains, i've got feelings!

whatever lah,
i'm just gonna be that Mr Nice Clown that day.
and enjoy the fellowship wif pple who made the effort
to enjoy and make dis outing happen!

on a side note,
i really am very encouraged by the younger ones.
they were the only ones who replied!
and with their individual unique sense of humour.

and i'm really looking forward to spend time wif them!
to laugh wif them!
and to snap pictures with musically inclined 'monkeys'!

and derek has very kindly volunteered
to be the cameraman!
should i make him wear a blazer too?

Lord, i commit this band into Your hands.
You know our struggles and upsets,
but God, i'm trying fixing my eyes on You.
help me to exercise more patience and love!

Help me to love them,
like how You loved me when i was difficult.
Help me to embrace them,
like how You embraced me when i was down and out!

Father, i pray for good weather
on that day itself!
that the animals will be hyperactive on that day,
and we can really enjoy each other's company!

Lord, in Your Son's name, Jesus
i ask.



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