Sunday, September 23, 2007


just saw dis picture. don't know what to say..
how long more?


this has to be the most boooooorrrriiiiinnnnnggg sunday in 2007!
can somebody take the spiderweb off me?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Everything must change
There’s a mirror showing me the ugly truth
These bones they ache with holy fire
But I’ve got nothing to give, just a life to live
If your world is without colour
I will carry you, if you carry me.

Every little thing's gonna be alright
Every little thing's gonna be alright

There’s no-one else to blame
I live my life between the fire and the flame
I’ve built my house where the ocean meets the land
It’s time to live again, pull my dreams out of the sand
Let your world be full of colour
I will carry you, if you carry me.

Every little thing's gonna be alright

When it's all falling down on you
You’re crying out but you’re breaking in two
When it’s all crashing down on you
When there’s nothing you can do
There is someone who can carry you.

Sunday, September 02, 2007



too many thoughts in my head.
too many pple to thank God for.
too many happenings these 3 days.

things that my friends did for me.
trouble they went thru,
just for the smile on my face.

its not that i'm not surprised,
i must say.
i'm DAMN surprised.
just that i didn't know how to express it.
coz i'm too damn surprised!

wif the parties, presents.
and best of all,
my family having a fun time wif my friends as well.

its been my mum's request
to see my church friends.
and my dad's wish,
to drink wif my friends.

thank God for these opportunities,
that my family can enjoy!
that my friends can enjoy!

there're a few pple i wanna really thank God for.


hey bro, really thanks for everything that u've done for me so far. not just for my birthday but the so many other things we've started on together. without u, its really quite impossible for me to persevere on. the support u've given me dis yr thru is tremendous and very much needed. the company during the hospital stays. the trinity. the worship rehearsals. cell groups. church camp. youth camp. and the presents! seeing u go those distance for ur friends, is really heartwarming and encouraging. i really still wanna hang out even when we're 50! hahah, wif pauline, don, and the 1+3! hahahha! let's see if pauline's prophesy abt us 4 guys will come true in a couple of years time anot k! hahahha! thanks man, bro. really thanks! from the bottom of my heart.

eh, i've repeated dis a thousand and twenty-one times dis yr alr. really so thankful for u in my life dis yr especially. u, zing and me really came together and make things work. and grow so much more in faith together! though the 3 of us are really different in personality, but we learn to see things from each other's point-of-view and be more patient! u've really been an encouragement in my walk wif God and my step to worship leading. i'm truly truly thankful for u in my life. and i hope we'll con't to grow stronger and healthier in God's name!!


Sir, i wanna thank You for being the captain of my life as from 2003. without u supporting me, encouraging me. i wouldn't be what i am today! i dare to say, u've been wif me thru the toughest problems. the most fun times. and also my most significant moment in my life [baptism]. Hey, i wanna let You know that u've been a great listener. though many times i didn't get to see u, but i know u'll always be there for me, rooting for me. i love You, and i pray that i'll get to understand You more. Really thank God for You.

and joanna and gang.
thanks for the dinner,
and the familiarity that i know,
i can count on anytime.

u guys haf seen me thru so much.
it'll be too much if i lose anyone of u.
God has placed u guys in my life so prominently!

caleb, furong and sarah.
thanks for being there wif me.
though we don't meet often,
but somehow i know.
we'll always be best friends.

friends that i know will stand by me.
supporting me.
just like how u've supported andrew.

i'm sure he knows what's going on.
and i know he's very thankful for these too!
u guys rock my life man!!
thank u thank u..

jacinta, isabel and charmaine!
hahhaa. u girls.
nvr fail to amuse me man!

the jokes u all crack,
the way u all stab each other wif sarcasm.
the things u all do.
i bet zing will agree wif me TOTALLY!

but hey, on the serious note.
u girls haf really grown in spirit and in truth!
though i only knew u all for 9 mths and 3 days now.
i can see the significant growth.

that u all are stepping up,
in cell, in ministry.
so glad, so glad..
really don't know how to express the joy in my heart.
tell u all another time lah. hahhaa!

gillian, cheryl, jun and mark.
hey gillian and cheryl.
though we may haf some history,
i thank God for those!

ytd night when i saw u girls,
at my place,
preparing and laughing!
just so touched.

and jun, u've really been a brother to me.
the joker and the drama-king!
when i'm down,
u're the guy that really crack me up!
u've been an inspiration for me,
to put others first.

mark, thank u for all ur advices.
ur words of wisdom and encouragement.
really kept me on the right track,
when i'm going wayward!
thanks bro!

hey friends. don't be upset if i missed u out. coz in my head, u're an angel God placed in my life at different points of my life, to keep me focused and move on. and at the same time, FUN too!! thank u guys so so much! honestly, i feel so blessed. nvr had so much attention on myself before! sorry if my reaction to presents and surprises are disappointing. coz i really don't know how to react and am in the state of shock! hahaha!! thanks guys! my 21st, is MEMORABLE!