Friday, May 11, 2007


miracles, how often do they happen?
some nvr even experienced it before.
others probably forgot or too insignificant.

mine's whenever i ask.
here's the tip.

pray to a trustworthy God,
who really exist and created dis world
and not just possess somebody and start jumping around.

pray to Him,
with a heart of respect and honesty.
He'll honour it and gif it to u,
if He thinks u're ready for it..

alright, enough of those crap.
i had a miracle again!

i was supposed to haf a stupid MV (music video) shoot next sat and sun.
sat from 9-11am.
sun the whole day.
and pple normally gets 'off' on monday,
but we cannot coz we're on the ntm (notice to move) force!

imagine my mood that day when i found out.
no church, no christian lunch
no riding, no booking out!
2 wks of confinement.

so i prayed and whined to God.
telling Him how unjust i felt.
why pple serve army so easy,
can 8-5.
office job, earn nearly 1k.
while i slog under the sun and earns peanuts.

and i placed my request simply to Him.
i told Him, "i wanna go church. i really want to.

"today when i just woke up,my PS again told me.
"eh, next sunday video shoot cancelled.
only got the sat 9-11am.

imagine my face.
imagine my smile?
yeah, that's it.

i immediately went back to my bunk and thanked God.
bowed my head, closed my eyes and smile while uttering my thanksgiving.
my buddy asked me after i'm done.
"eh buddy, did God tickle u when u were praying?"

God hears, God honours.
sincerity and honesty is the key!
bombastic words, honey-ed sentences don't really play a part!
pray like a child.