Saturday, May 20, 2006


damn, so many things that have been running thru my mind after various events.

- as u all haf known, he's been sentenced to death and intending to appeal. yeah, had been following the trial and a lot thoughts had gone thru my mind.
to me, the Lord reminded me of something. i used to haf suicidal thoughts and think that suicide is the only way out. of coz out of desperate situations only. and yes, even when i was already a Christian. and somehow, i observed that almost a team of 5-6 high paid lawyers are cracking their heads and trying their damn best to save a criminal. of coz u may argue its their job and stuff, but at the same time, we cannot deny the fact that they could haf turned the case down. anyways, it made me realise how important and precious life is. even when its so ruined. trying his best to cooperate with his defense lawyers, he clings on to dis ruined life. yet when i know i had the BEST defense counsel Who had already won the case for me, yet i chose to believe dying is the best and only way out.

- it is mis-leading. it is very very convincing. it stirs interest for u to want to find out more. for Christians, u will wanna prove it wrong. and for non-Christians, would think they've waited for a real religion and finally here it is. but the fact is, even as Christians, finding out more may seem harmless but the more u look up on the paintings and symbols and cryptex, the more u're sucked into it, and ur initial intention, u'll find fading away. for me, it was a spiritual struggle as i'm a person who gets very intrigued after a movie or documentary. esp when its inspired by a true story. "wikipedia here i come!!". but for dis movie, despite the claims and controversy, i chose to pass. and it was hard, i tell u. one side of me wanting to convince myself its just a novel, and another trying to push the thought "what if dis really was the truth?" away. and u may realise, both urges point towards further research. that's the hook u see? even today at soccer, a few boasted to me and said "aiyah, its just fiction. take it as a pinch of salt lah.", and another refuted and said, "eh, its really very convincing, the painting and symbols and all." of coz it went on during our half-time, "really meh? okay. i go check it out further." *ting* NOOOOOOO!!! yeah, and of coz i stepped in saying, u guys are falling into the trap at the end of the conversation and reminded one of them saying, "remember u said to take it as a pinch of salt? now u're the one urging urself to check it out further. u see?"

- we've been hanging out quite often now. sometimes just the few of the guys, sometimes wif our partners. and the beauty of it, everybody was paired and non of us feels left out, right! everybody will be merry and suddenly one couple will quarrel in their small corner, and the receiving end within the couple will try his/her to resolve it and try to make him/her smile so that the night won't be so awkward. when it comes to decision making, whether to haf supper or where to eat, another joker couple will somehow back out due to some loving/fatigue reasons. but whatever the case, they quarrelled to come to a consensus. yet another person at another point in time, in front of the whole group will throw tantrums and his/her bf/gf will say "aiyah, he/she always like that one lah." hahahah! and u know what happens next. but dis didn't feel awkward because the girl still puts her head on his shoulder. hello.. remember the tantrum throwing thing? girls.. hahah. and every other couples will haf their mini mis-understandings and tantrums. but the beauty of it is, everybody will be still laughing!! at least enough laughter to cover up the sad/angry individuals. haahha!! and u know what? nobody really took notice of each other's quarrels or unhappiness during that outing itself. its only when the guys or each couple or girls meet, will say, "sialah, yesterday *my gf* angry sia.", "eh mine also!", "eh mine also sial!!" hahahahh. in dis case, the guys met at soccer. discussed further over lunch. haha!


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