Friday, March 31, 2006

words of wisdom.

"Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit."
- Proverbs 15:4

Thursday, March 30, 2006


You scored as Air Force. Cross into the blue, soldier, because you belong in the U.S. Air Force. With technology that is years ahead of anyone else, your service has reigned supreme and undefeated in the skies since the late 60s. But you tend to be looked down upon by other branches as elitist and even a little cowardly.

Air Force




Coast Guard






Which branch of the Military are you?
created with

Monday, March 13, 2006

not GOOD enough.

i still remember the last time somebody praised me, was aunty pet. her simple sweet gesture "woah desmond! didn't know u can sing." made my day. in fact it got my confidence level back up again and i wasn't shy to sing anymore! but that was the one time and the last time.

ever wondered whether did u impact anybody lives or encouraged somebody? i guess 'encouraging' somebody can be quite a ministry to pple who don't usually or cannot encourage anybody. but when u made the effort to try, how mighty can dis person work in future.

one very very good example of somebody who CANNOT encourage for nuts, my dad. seriously, he suck at encouraging. remembered at that time when i got my graduating sem's result in poly, i called him just to tell him that i've graduated!!! and i was very happy to tell pple that, because i think i've survived a 3 yr course with no interest at all. and its quite an achievement i thought. but guess what my dad replied. "so haf u applied for airforce? what u gonna do now. better go apply asap and stop wasting ur time around." can u imagine my excitement went to less than half of the gauge? i nvr told him any of my academic results since PSLE. maybe that's why he didn't haf enough opportunities to express his congrats. but he congratulated me when i passed my driving test though. what an irony. at least my mum tried to pronouce 'congratulations' in english when she heard that i've graduated. oh well.

some time back, i've read the bible. somewhere, it says that u should be doing it for God and not man. because if u're doing it to please man, u'll nvr be happy because man can't possibly encourage u every day of ur life/ministry! so easy to be said than done. there're so many men on earth, and it definitely feels great when someBODY encouraged u in ur efforts. and its so hard to focus back that "yes, i'm doing all these to please God!" its so hard, because we're like goats!! once we've tasted how nice encouragements from men is, we'll nvr wanna go back to "yes, i'm doing it for God!" something which u cannot HEAR encouragements from. of coz some may say that God need not SAY encouragements to u, but He certainly had SHOWN u encouragements. well, i don't know how that feels yet. so i can't agree on that. but yes, we esp as Christians will wanna do things for God, and just be pleased that God's please wif ur efforts. but somehow deep down, we're tired. esp when there's noBODY there to encourage u, noBODY there to hear of ur fatigue. everybody seems to be busy wif things. but then again, maybe i'm the only one left in church, not being able to grasp the concept of solely 'doing it for God".

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

what am i?

You scored as Sociology. You should be a Sociology major!





























Tuesday, March 07, 2006

forced love.

Force is all-conquering, but its victories are short-lived.
Abraham Lincoln
16th president of US (1809 - 1865)
a man with great power and stature once said this. but is it true? let's see..

i'll focus on wars first.
look at hitler when he conquered his desired territory. people were afraid of him, and i can boldly say, few respected him. In 1920 the German Workers' party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers, or Nazi, party; in 1921 it was reorganized with Hitler as chairman. Heil Hitler! became the obligatory form of greeting, and a cult of Führer worship was propagated. On Apr. 29, 1944, Hitler married his long-time mistress, Eva Braun, and on Apr. 30 they committed suicide together in an underground bunker of the chancellery building, having ordered that their bodies be burned.
after that, he's remembered as the most dreadful tyrant in history. but i would say, the germans and the rest of the world had learnt a great deal from this ordeal. consider that as a victory? i would say so, but that wasn't what hitler had intended when he started i suppose.

now let's look at a love that's from God. i believe most of my friends who reads dis blog are Christians and would agree wif me that God's love is described in 1 Corinthians 13. though its just a short chapter, but it holds great meanings and elaboration. He didn't force us to be like Him and show love like He did, did He? i believed He compelled us to be like Him due to His pure love for us. and His "victories" in us, in a way lasted if we knew the true meaning of His love and His intention for His love for us. Lasted in dis aspect meaning our reciprocated love for Him and how we've been trying to be Christ-like.

the 2 examples that are mentioned above are obviously different, but i'm not sure if its biased just to push my point across. but, yah. do tag and comment on dis entry! agree or disagree, feel free!!

Monday, March 06, 2006


compromise, something which we often remind ourselves with. especially when we're in a r/s, it's even harder. but nonetheless, we try. it used to be "gif me some space can?", so we try to be as respectful, to cut them some slack. and it became "u don't even care whether i'm stressed or not.", so again, we try to be nice, to show a little more concern, as much as we can. and slowly, it was "i can't seem to talk to u when i'm stressed, i'm even more stressed when i talk to u.", so we try and see if we can do less talking and a lil more actions. and now, its "i don't wanna see u, coz the more i see u, the more stressed i am.", by now we should be feeling a little helpless. so this time round, it seems really demanding and ungrateful. i don't blame anybody who's in this scenario, but i feel for the person who was trying quietly who failed and tried to try again. will they ever be satisfied? will they..