Sunday, October 05, 2008

slaves, all the same.

today's main service sermon
was a comical and prompt reminder!
it was about being a slave to God,
and slaves being all EQUAL..

right at that instance,
an analogy came to mind!
i remember my glorious days in SISPEC.
School of Infantry Specialists

when we were all trainees,
or 'private' they would call us.
we haf a platoon of peers and
everybody knows everybody!

but responsibilities still had to be distributed,
and inevitably, diff pple will hold diff appointments.
some had to be in a more commanding role,
most had to support their fellow peers who're role playing!

i remember i was appointed the
Leader Sergeant Major.
the highest rank/appointment any 'private' could attain.
and also came with the largest responsibilities.

yep, i struggled alot!
and towards the end,
i even cried on my bed at night

had to handle the immense pressure the instructors gave me.
had to handle my breakup with cheryl.
had to make sure my jobs are done well,
and to pass out in honour!

but did that make me a higher ranking 'private'?
in the eyes of the instructors,
i am but only a 'private',
a trainee like 79 others.

and when i finally pass out,
i am like any other corporal,
and a sergeant thereafter!
just like any others.

and likewise even now.
being a worship leader,
doesn't make me any higher than others.
doesn't make me a more 'holy' person.

and in the eyes of God,
i am, but a child of God.
like you..
any of you who're reading this blog!

we haf different 'roles' or 'appointments' in life.
and when we die,
we are, but children of God.
spending time wif Him like any other!

so be encouraged,
my fellow servants of God!
in times of trouble and difficulties,
when you question, "why me?"

be encouraged!
and receive the 'appointment' with honour.
be blessed!
that God chose you, to be a servant unto Him!

that we may serve alongside pple around us..
in spirit and in truth!
there may be a big disparity in age or backgrounds,
but bear in mind that we're serving the same God!

let us continue to serve one another in humility!
you may have overcame a certain trial in life,
but that doesn't make you a better christian
than the one who's struggling right now!

brothers and sisters,
like some might put it..
we're in the last lap of the last days!
it's going to be tough, but take heart!

finish the race with honour!
that our Master might say to us,
"well done, GOOD and FAITHFUL children..
come join Me in Eternity!"


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