Friday, October 10, 2008


as promised,
dis was what went through my mind
when i was walking back home,
plugged into my mp3.

there has been enough instances i came across,
that is enough to prove that
for one to fall in love with you,
it is not what you've done or can do.

but strangely enough,
it is something that NO ONE can control.
nothing can be done to achieve dis key to love.
chemistry, feeling..

i've friends doing ALOT for the girl of his dreams,
composing songs for her,
making surprises for her.
plan expensive outings for her.

and since i'm a mutual friend,
who happens to know both sides of their story.
i asked my trademark,
"he do so many things for you, you no feelings meh?"

and she replied,
"got lah. i was abit touched lor."
den you got any feelings for him?
"nope. friends what.."

and another instance of
feelings superceding deeds.
dis is quite classified,
but i would think its rather classic.

they haf alr broken up.
and the guy was obviously a jerk to mankind lah!
normal friends would support the girl of her wise decision.
but they PATCHED BACK!

despite the stupid things that happened,
and normal sound human brains would know
that NOTHING GOOD would come out of it.

but dis yet again,
proves that the trite saying,
"love is blind"

so are we convinced now?
that love is NOTHING to do wif deeds.
good or bad,
both the same.

let's look at God's love for us.
did we find it hard at any one point
of our christian walk.
that why would God still love us?

because He has feelings for us.
some feelings that are so profound!
He loved us,

if you cannot come to terms wif that,
look at our own loving style.
and see if you can draw any parallel
to what loving actually means..

there's nothing we can do
to make Him love us more.
nothing that we've done,
could make Him close the door.

because of His GREAT LOVE,
He gave His only Son.
everything was done,
so you would come..

that is love my friend.
something simple,
yet so hard to comprehend and execute.
but at the same time, its lovely!


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