Friday, May 16, 2008


aight, so i've started work at SIAC on thurs.
yep, its the "uncle boo's company".
thanks to a very kind friend who GAVE UP her opportunity,
it ended up vacant for me!

being the desperate and broke me.
i've decided to take it up,
even though its not what i've intended to start off as.
but its given by God, i suppose.

i'm working as a Case Mangement Officer (cmo)
for dis 1st month,
i'm considered a temp staff.
so i'm paid hourly!
the pay's not that bad,
but of coz cannot compare to some $8/hr man..

i'm contented though.
next month onwards,
if they still want me.
i'll convert to perm staff then.

i quite like my job actually,
so far at least..

okay, i basically assist the assistant counsel.
prepare the documents for the case.
draft out letters for parties to sign,
and book venues and snacks for hearings, etc..

its quite alot of reading,
analysing, typing, emailing, printing,
sorting, talking and so on..

okay, i like my job because
i can wear nice clothes to work.
hear my shoes "clok" when i walk.
that's abt it.

am i really that shallow to u?
of coz not JUST THAT!

i like it because its alot of liasing,
and talking to parties,
arbitrators, assistant counsels and stuff.
quite alot of interactions.
and that exposes me to the working world!

why are formalities needed,
why things hafta be so "gei kao"!
like one fax only mah!
still must attach the fax report and all that.

yah, that sort of thing.
but many times i take these for granted.
and pple might use a nitty gritty to get back at u!
and u'll lose ur case.

and i like it because its stable.
it has a routine.
like every morning wake up at 7,
bathe, drink milo, listen mp3.

unplug at city hall,
walk to office, login to my com,
reply emails, read newspaper,
do more work, make tea and drink.

do even more work, lunch.
then do more work, make milo and drink,
den send out a final round of replies,
go toilet wash hands.

knock off, plug in to mp3,
walk to mrt station, take train home,
eat dinner, do qt, go online, blog,
watch tv, sleep.

and routines keep me in tuned to God!
keeps me disciplined and focused,
on what needs to be focused on.
lets me talk to God a bit more..

yeah, and i really like Him a lot more these days.
sounds very crazy huh?
the word 'like',
but yah! i think i know Him abit better now.

its fun! and the best part,
is that i'm paid!
for doing what i like and its really a blessing.
it really is.

Jehovah Jireh, my Provider.
i thank You for giving me all these.
friends to eat with.
friends to go home with.
friends to talk to.
friends to sms to when i'm bored.
colleagues that are understanding.
colleagues that are friendly.
family to go home to.
many small conversations wif You.
many more truths abt You.
a job that gives me enough to spend.
Lord, i pray that apart from all these,
i can glorify Your Name.
i can show Your love to pple around me.
i can show Your grace to pple around me.
Lord, teach me to be more loving and patient,
teach me to be more like You, Jesus.
in Jesus' name i give thanks,


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