Saturday, May 10, 2008

a decision to be made.

a word so big in many of our dictionaries.
but in many areas of our lives,
we need it to surface.

in a r/s,
somebody has to set the pace,
somebody has to love,
somebody has to be loved.

in a job,
somebody has to fight for what they believe,
somebody has to fight what they believe,
somebody has to fight to be believed in.

and in our walk with God,
somebody has to make a decision from what we know,
somebody has to make a stand for what we believe,
somebody has to make a point to change.

and that somebody starts with me.
i want to be that somebody someday.
i want to be that somebody somehow.

Father, i thank You for this sweet aroma of worship,
i thank You for choosing me,
to love and embrace.
Lord Jesus, i make this commitment
many times before.
but God, let me mean it this time.
i want to come to You with a pure heart,
that's what i long for.
Dear sweet Lord,
help me not procrastinate further,
help me to love You more and more each day.
that's what i'm made for..
in Jesus' name i ask,


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