Sunday, April 20, 2008


aight, some of u might know.
that i went for 'scaling' today..
it's actually cleaning of the teeth and gums!

pauline said,
"scaling not pain wan! only 15mins."
and i went to the dentist,
it turned out to be a bloody affair..
i think i've been losing alot of blood lately.

dr. tang actually drilled INTO my gums!
he said there's tar in there.
like what?!
yah, last dental appt was 6 yrs ago!

and when i had to rinse my mouth,
i spat out a mouthful of blood & water.
damn sick man!
and when i use my tongue to feel what's inside,
its damn hole-ly..

and it was damn pain lah!
DAMN pain..
even now as i'm typing,
my gums are still sore.

and after 'excavating',
he actually found out that i need to do filling
for 5 teeth!
and each tooth cost $50!!

wah, gst rebate also not enough sia!
and he say until like if i don't fill up,
my teeth will rot and dissolve lidat.

so i did 2 today,
the 2 which braces brackets had to be fitted on.
den he said,
"yeah, actually its a wise choice. if u really had to
split up into different sessions to complete the 5."

like isn't obvious?!
i ain't no rich kid man yo!
yeah, so i spent 160 on my quarter-done teeth.
spent 200 on my phone.
another 25.70 for my hp bills.
plus 14 for my haircut.
oh! and 60 bucks for 4 gay tops.

i don't haf much left?
why credit suisse still haven't call me!!

time to cast my net wider,
gonna hit the career agencies next wk man!
better settle my job fast.
before i ord wif zero dollars!

oh and if u few readers haf any job opportunities,
pls let me know yah?
preferably in the finance sector.

looking at foreign banks,
as an investment/financial analyst..
thank u!!

shit, my gums really damn pain.


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